Roller Garage Doors

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The Best Roller Doors

The Best Roller Doors


Roller shutter garage doorRoller Garage Doors are one of the most popular types of garage doors in the UK right now and Garage Doors Online have made it easier for you by showcasing the most popular and the best roller shutter door manufacturers, providing value for money as well as excellent quality and easy DIY installation. Guaranteed peace of mind and quality from the UK and Europe’s leading manufacturers. Proper warranties and features which are oprtions on others mainly standard in these doors. No corners cut in terms of safety or finishing...

All the roller garage doors shown below are fully compliant with the latest CE regulations required for safety regulations with remote controlled electric operated doors and are manufactured from the highest quality components, meaning guaranteed reliability and longevity.

Unfortunately, due to their popularity, there are a growing number of roller garage doors being offered that do not comply with established UK regulations. Doors using cheap and inferior components, many of which are unseen internal parts, can be dangerous, less secure and headache-inducing further down the line. At the bottom of this page is an independent evaluation of legal requirements, which you can use if you have any concerns regarding a roller garage door compliancy to regulations.


Premium Insulated Aluminium Roller Garage Doors


Seceuroglide roller shutter garage doorsEstablished in 1985, now with 40 years of experience! One of the very first manufacturers of the electric, insulated, aluminium roller garage door in the UK. The original and the best! Not the cheapest of course, but simply one of the very best for overall performance, longevity and security.

SeceuroGlide doors have been tried and tested for years now and offer a vast array of quality options. All doors (except one) are electric operated and made to order with a vast choice of colours and options. This is a premier product in roller doors. The basis of the design from the outset for Seceuroglide has been security and they are the most secure roller shutter garage door on the market currently in this 77mm insulated construction. A Compact version is available and a Manual version, in more limited single sizes.


Hormann Roller doors

One of the world's largest garage door manufacturers - this German company manufactures products of the highest quality. The Rollmatic 2 is a garage door using a very different external electric motor drive. Different to the others and offering a very high specification as standard. All made to order and a second to none range of access control systems available from hand transmitters through to finger scanners. Full hood cover is fitted as standard. 


Standard Insulated Aluminium Roller Garage Doors


GDO electric roller shutter doors


GDO Roller Doors offer double skinned, insulated, aluminium curtains, with 55mm or 77mm slat options for a sleek modern look.  The GDO ROLL77 is a complete range of electric aluminium roller doors, starting with models for those who do not always require remote control access and the associated laser or pressure sensing safety features. Simple and easy electric roller garage doors, mainly for when you don't use your garage for a vehicle and access is always on foot. There are various Somfy specified remote control door options and also Smart app controlled doors, in basic or more complex specifications. A roller door for every type of requirement based on your garage use and lifestyle. 
Click here to read about the whole range >



Seceuroglide roller shutter garage doorsThe Seceuroglide LT is a basic version of the best-selling Seceuroglide without the patented locking system and supplied with a lower specification motor, but still offered with a superb guarantee and peace of mind in that it is still a fully compliant electric aluminium roller door with excellent remote controls and colour choices. Now available with or without a full hood cover.



Hormann Roller doors

The latest Rollmatic T model comes pre-assembled to help with easy insulation.  This German company only manufactures products of the highest quality, the Rollmatic T is made to measure as standard and comes with electric motor and remote control as standard. Unlike the Rollmatic 2 the Rollmatic T uses an electric tube motor drive, just like most other roller shutter garage doors.



Gliderol Garage Doors

Gliderol have been specialists in roller doors for over 30 years and have a large global presence. The Insulated Roller Door is a remote control aluminium door, made to order, with a wide range of colours and options. The door is remote control electrically operated as standard with leading safety edge detection system. A Compact version that requires only 205m of headroom and a Manual version are also available in limited sizes.


Samson Suparolla insulated roller doorThe Samson Suparolla is an electric roller garage door where a basic specification is required. The Suparolla is electrically operated and made to measure as standard and controlled via remote control. The safety edge and internal manual overide are included as standard and the door fully complies with current UK legislation for remote control electric doors.



Budget Price Single Skin Steel Roller Doors


Gliderol single skin roller garage doors

The Gliderol Single Skin Steel continuous curtain roller doors from Gliderol are a great choice when simplicity is required. The door is simple, effective, lightweight and available as a manual or electric door up to 5000mm wide and 3000mm high. Excellent colour choice and all doors made to order, although we do offer some standard single sizes at very keen prices indeed.
This is THE roller garage door to go for if you don't need all the bells and whistles and are happy with a single skin curtain. This door is better than ANY cheap double skin, aluminium, insulated roller door, which is actually cheap because it is manufactured from components used for basic window shutters, smaller slats and low powered motor drives with cheap controls.


Be Careful What You Buy When it Comes to Roller Garage Doors!

The electric roller shutter garage door is indisputably the garage door type that has seen the greatest growth in popularity in the UK recently; consequently the number of manufacturers of roller shutters has also seen a marked increase, with many vying for a share of the UK market.  Unfortunately there appears to be quite an insurgence of rogue and cheap manufacturers that are willing to compromise safety legislation - and in fact blatantly ignore it or lie about it - in a bid to drive prices down to compete in the market. SWS SeceuroGlide roller shutter garage doors in anthracite

Many cheap aluminium insulated roller garage doors sold in the UK are illegal and are not even specified to be a 'garage door'. The most common form of safety being offered by these doors are various types of infrared beams, putting a light beam across the door either in one or several places. These are simply insufficient, non-compliant, and certainly not safe. The single light beam only prevents the roller door closing if the light beam is broken, however many items can obstruct a garage opening without necessarily blocking this beam. In this instance, the garage door may still close, crushing anything unfortunate enough to be in the way. Any lights beams which do make it to market for domestic use often have ongoing issues in the winter months with flase readings from rain or condensation in temperature changes leading to a door stuck open or closed.

Multiple beams also do not comply, and many reflector infrared beam systems can fail in bright direct sunlight during summer months causing great frustration as well as described above in winter months.

There have been a number of fatal accidents involving children in the last few years in the gate, blinds and shutters industry. This demonstrates that it is of the utmost importance to have properly tested and fundametally safe doors. Don't take the risk!! 

The DHF (Door and Hardware Federation) are anxious to avoid any similar occurrences in the roller door industry, and are therefore strongly recommending that potential buyers of roller shutters read carefully before making any decisions.

Purchase with Confidence

Whilst researching roller doors, ask yourself these questions. Can you tick all of the points below?

Has the company that you are buying from been established for at least ten years?

Remember - under the Sale of Goods Act your contract is with your supplier, not the manufacturer.  Do make sure that the company you purchase from is established and not likely to disappear or cease trading.  If you have a problem, you will not have legal rights with the manufacturer. We are hearing way too often of roller doors failing within a year or so of purchase and nothing being available to sort it under a false warranty offering.

Does the roller door have a safety edge detection system on the bottom of the door?

Do not accept any statements that infra-red safety beams performs the same function - they do not!
Many companies are selling insulated roller doors at seemingly very low prices and mostly they are not compliant with UK regulations, simply because they only use infra-red beams, lowering the cost of the door.

Some of these companies state the infra red beam is a more expensive and better solution to the leading edge safety system, it isn't.

Is the roller door fitted with an anti-fall back system? 

This is in case of internal failure on any part of the suspension or balancing system (size dependant). This ensures the door can never act like a guillotine should the motor drive unit detach from the barrel section internally.Roller shutter garage door operation

Will it be CE marked to signify compliance with relevant legislation and accompanied by documents proving this? 

It cannot be legally CE marked if it does not have a bottom edge safety detection system, it is as simple as that!
More recently a multi layered infra red beam system has also been apporoved but these systems are known to be a little more tempramental in adverse weather conditions.

Has it been wind load tested as per BSEN12424 &  BSEN124440? 

Although not essential, this does provide some reassurance that the door is tested and will provide resistance to the ever increasing high winds we experience in the UK. Particulary relevant on doors over 4000mm wide

Does it possess sufficient protection to prevent entrapment when the door height is less that 2500mm? 

Again not essential, but certainly worth thinking about. Have a full hood fitted or ensure the door can stop safely if an obstacle jams in the roll as it goes upwards.

If you have ticked all of the above the roller door in question should be fully compliant with current safety legislation but still look out for the use of smaller, cheap curtain lath sections which will have originated from shutters used for windows and doors for sound and heat insulation. They are not to be used on larger garage door sizes and will not be sufficiently strong over time.

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