The answer to your selected question is shown below.
Yes, they are very secure compared to any other garage door in standard form.
All the sectional garage doors sold for domestic garage use in the UK are now usually between 40 and 67mm double skinned steel in their panel construction. This double skinned, foam filled steel panel build equals high levels of panel strength and therefore properly installed, greater levels of resistant security.
An insulated sectional door installed behind a garage opening with a matched remote control electric operator will be one of the most secure types of garage door you can have.
- No handle and no point of obvious attack.
- Very strong door panels interlocked together when closed, so no obvious attack points.
- All operating mechanism and electric equipment completely hidden internally
- Various physical locking devices used on the electric motor drives to hold the door closed solid.
The Carteck, Hormann, Garador and Seceuroglide insulated steel sectional doors all offer the above and high levels of security with further enhancements possible if required such as alarms or additional internal locking.