Can i order made to measure sectional garage doors

01926 463 888

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Yes you can, we now have a good selection of sectional door manufacturers with purpose made options within our shop facility.
You will see standard sizes for all the sectional garage doors on our website and also purpose made sizes where available.
The Carteck range of sectional doors are available to order purpose made in the online shop.
All the Carteck, Hormann and Seceuroglide sectional doors are available to order as purpose made sizes in our online shop.
Cut Down Sizes
We can offer you made to order sizes taken from standard sizes but only on the double skinned doors. The end sections are removed in the factory and the door is simply cut on a machine to size and then the endplate sections refitted. The height is similar and a new top hat section refitted however there are limitations in the sizes depending on certain factors. A good example is on a Georgian panelled door where you obviously cannot cut into the panels as this would not look good at all!
Purpose Made Sizes
You can have a sectional garage door purpose made in more ways than just the size, this includes the operating mechanism too. For example if you have a high ceiling you may specify a Hormann LPU42 sectional door with higher lifting tracks than the normal N track mechanism to take the tracks up and close to the high ceiling to keep them well out the way. This is the H track mechanism and needs discussion before ordering. We are happy to quote from dimensions given.
For any queries regarding purpose made sectional doors please email or call us for prices and specifications.


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