Can i use a timber sub frame for a sectional or roller door

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Yes of course and it quite often may be necessary if you do not have a brick return face to install to....
All sectional and roller garage doors in Europe are designed to be installed directly to the brickwork of a garage opening and the best position is normally on the inside face to maximise width and then height as you end up behind the lintel/RSJ as well.
However there are so many times when the garage design means there may not be a brick pier on one or both sides and therefore no internal face to fit to. Most leading sectional door manufacturers will offer a solution for this but they can be expensive and complicated to install and finish properly, so what else can be done? You can install a timber sub frame to create the internal face with the timber sections and one of the benefits of this is also creating a decent insulation barrier so if you have purchased one of the superb double skinned insulated sectional doors available the sides and head section of frame will be behind a timber section offering greater levels of insulation than the single skin steel frames of the door as it comes as standard.
A timber frame properly installed and finished can also enhance a garage opening with the debate on whether a door looks better behind or in-between a garage opening is always a hot topic and unresolved.
It is slightly more difficult to apply this logic to roller doors as the headroom required for the curtain roll is more the problem when you want to install in-between a garage opening. It is certainly possible though to create a timber 'rugby' post style frame for installing a new roller garage door behind if there is no side room or headroom available and then infill the open section as well to close and seal off the whole installation.
Although so many garage doors offer steel or aluminium sub fixing frames these days we should not be afraid of using properly specified timber to create and enable doors to be installed where you need them to be.

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