Do the sizes shown include the fixing sub frame

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Generally the answer is no, sizes shown do not include the sub frame as most ordering sizes shown for the up and over and sectional doors tend to refer to the inside frame dimensions.
All garage doors need a fixing sub frame and for side hinged and up and over doors the frame is generally shown as an option as you can use either a factory steel frame or a generic timber frame to install the doors to the structural opening.
Roller and sectional garage doors always have a fixing frame/guides included and this is not an option but apart from roller garage doors the sectional door sizes all still refer to the inside frame dimensions.
Roller doors are ordered differently in general and you have to be very careful to make sure you get this right - some order as the inside guide dimensions and some order as the opening size plus the guides. Hormann and Garador are the exception to the general rule as their roller doors are ordered from the opening size unlike most others which are total width with the side guides. Gliderol steel continuous roller doors have a different system again with the order size opening size and overall size for installation being all different measurements.
See our Measuring Garage Doors guide for further information.

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